PetroSol POS is the first Romanian solution developed for fuel retail (and not only) which was certified by the National Institute for Research – Development in Informatics as being fully in accordance with the legal requirements which mandate the connectivity of all fiscal equipment to the Romanian ANAF servers.
On 21st of August 2020, the National Institute for Research – Development in Informatics has issued the Technical Certification’s Addendum No. 35, certification which re-confirms all the characteristics for the electronic fiscal equipment including an electronic journal, equipment composed by a Dactes FP700 Fiscal Printer, a Datecs DP201 or DP501 customer display and the Identified Application PetroSol POS, according to all the requirements requested as per the Ordonanța de Urgență a Guvernului nr. 28/1999, republish, and all the following technical requirements which apply to it.
As the requirement comprised from the PetroSol POS application and a Datecs FP700 Fiscal Printer is certified for a large number of commercial activities, it can be used in any retail fuel station, no matter the producs being sold (fuel retail, non-fuel retail, services, food).
Using our solution, no matter the size of your company, you can be sure that you are following all legal requirements as soon as they enter into effect.